Adapting to Change
Director's Dish
The older I get, the more I talk about time flying. In all honesty, the last six months have fluctuated between moving at hyper-speed, being stuck in place, or moving in slow motion. We know that we are not alone in dealing with the challenges of COVID-19. Like so many others, we have had to adapt to the rapidly changing environment – learning to run while flying.
We can see the world in two different ways – through the lens of obstacles that are in our way or through the opportunities that are in front of us. We choose to use these times as an opportunity to respond more robustly to provide food to the growing number of struggling families. [ Read More ]
Community Partnerships
We are proud to partner with our partners on the "Farmers to Families" food box program, Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Illinois food distributions, and Horace Mann, Feeding America, Grand Lodge of Illinois, and many others to keep food on thousands of tables in central and southern Illinois. [ Learn More ]
Feeding Our Neighbors Safely
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Illinois
Prepacked boxes of groceries provided by the USDA’s "Farmers to Families" program have enabled the
Foodbank to modify how food distributions traditionally take place. Individuals were once able to receive their groceries in an open layout much like a farmers market, however, individuals are now encouraged to stay in their vehicles for their personal safety and for the safety of those distributing the food.
Working with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Illinois, the Foodbank has capitalized on this new drive-thru food distribution method to provide meals to hundreds of families every week in one of Springfield's hardest hit areas. "...I think that for our families, it takes the stress off them to know where their next meal will come from, because they know at least three days a week, they can count on the club to provide lunch and a variety of food boxes," said Boys and Girls Clubs CEO and Executive Director Tiffany Mathis. [ Read More ]
Volunteer Spotlight
Diane and Rodney Bergeron have been volunteering at the Foodbank since August 2019. After retirement, the couple wanted to continue to stay active, while putting their time toward a good cause. Volunteering two to three days a week, the two have dropped off countless boxes at various housing
complexes and community sites throughout our service area. [ Check out the full spotlight. ]
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